Thursday 14 February 2008

7 8 9

Vocal Log: Deep Space Expedition

I awoke to a grisly sight. Apparently, there was a malfunction with the hibernation pods. Pods One through Six suffered a massive power loss, there were no survivors. Apparently this also affected Pod Seven and its occupant. I don’t know how long Seven was awake, although it seems that he has regressed to a near feral state. I was awoken by the normal procedures. When I regained my senses, I saw that Seven had broken into Nine’s Pod while they were still in hibernation. Seven ate Nine. And now I fear he’s…

No more entries.

Wednesday 6 February 2008


We had to write a piece of prose poetry based on a picture we chose at random. Here are my results.

Dumb Bunny

“It’s a great plan.”

It’s a horrible plan.

Everything Adam tells me carries with it a brown taint of stupid. His words ooze into my head and pollute with a dirty fog. My head hurts. My empty stomach hurts more.

We only get half a block.

The truck was broken.

Adam’s pink fist slams against the dash


and again.

Pathetic man sobs

“Not fair.”

“Get out of the truck.”

“Not fair.”

Hands grab and pull. Concrete kisses face. A tiny piece of something jabs and presses against a temple. A boot, tight-laced and brutal, presses against the other.